Week 8 - Nanotechnology + Art
DESMA BLOG – WEEK 8 Nanotechnology + Art This week’s topic about nanotechnology helped to further convince me that science continues to play a key role in creating new forms of art. Nanotechnology is about the manipulation of matter smaller than 100 nanometers, which is about the same size of a tennis ball in comparison to the earth. This rapidly growing field took off in the early 1980s and has since been changing the way we approach science, consumer products, and how we treat cancer patients. In 1981, a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) was developed to view three-dimensional images of samples at the atomic level. The “age of the immaterial was truly inaugurated” (Gimzewski and Vesna). In 1986, the first STM was produced for commercial purposes. There are a wide variety of products incorporating nanotechnology that are available to consumers. Nanoparticles are one of the largest segments in the commercial marketplace today...